Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Fighting Demons? Hell, mine should be paying half the rent!

I find myself constantly looking inwards. I can respect anyone who is constantly looking inward, discovering new things about themselves and taking that information to grow as a person. When I am single, I lean on past relationships and lessons learned to ensure that I try to be better in the next relationship. I HATE comparing relationships, but to compare is inevitable. Why is that?

I think all relationships have common themes: being together, learning about one another, intimacy, emotion and other inportant things. What sets each relationship apart is how these elements are experienced. I dont think each relationship presents these elements the same, so that is where comparisons start. I can say that my last two relationships (those more than 1 year) ended ugly. I think the most immediate, previous relationship had more of an impact on me emotionally and from a baggage standpoint for a wide myriad of reasons.

The baggage I speak of has I think been the underlying cause of alot of our discussions U.P. and it causes me to be a somewhat more defensive. An example of this is when an argument is ensuing or has begun. I learned a while back that in life you have to "pick the hills you want to die on" or you "pick and choose your battles carefully." There are some things that I honestly wont argue about, I will simply ask "Is this worth it" because I spent alot of time with my ex fighting over alot of petty bullshit. Now that I have lived through that, I just refuse to argue over something ridiculous.

Now the title of this blog states that maybe I have not dealt with my demons appropriately. I dont think I have and sometimes I think I see where that can be a problem. So the question you posed is how can one deal with these things? I think the solution lies in communication. What we miss as people in trying to figure out why our relationships are anemic is that our communication is poor and we lack respect for each other. In regards to respect, I know that the basic level exists but when it comes to small interpersonal disagreements both sides feel some level of disrespect. That causes each person to state their positiion more strongly and the communication gets thrown out of the window.

I am a major proponent of communication, I think the average married couple can say that commnuication is one of the important tenets of their marriage. Where commnuication fails is when we hear, but we dont LISTEN. Most people dont know there is a major difference between the two. When we listen, we hear the true meaning behind the words. When we listen, we can feel the emotion and know (that is it) if it is real. When we listen, we can better be an advocate and friend for our partner. Many are afraid of sharing because of the lack of listening...we hear the words but we dont listen to the meaning.

So what have we learned? Pick your battles, Listen to your partner (dont just HEAR them) and try introspection sometime if you dont subscribe to it regularly, you might just like it.

Class Dismissed...

Fighting Your Demons

Can we get serious for a second? I mean really. Can we talk about some things?

I find myself getting abundantly introspective when I am in a relationship. What's interesting is that this introspection or self-inspection seems to happen whether I'm living the singular or plural life.

And what is it that I think about?

I think about what all men think about: am I in the right place at the right time? Now, before you get all confused and shit, I'm quite happy with my fiancée and where we are in our relationship. My question has to do with a man's personal baggage.

We tend to bring a lot of personal luggage into a relationship whether we want believe it or not. What kind of baggage are you talking about brotha? We carry into each new relationship a desire for something we had in the old relationship. If your ex-girlfriend gave you outstanding sex, you're going to have that expectation of the new love of your life. If your ex-girlfriend could put her foot in just about every meal she ever made you, you're going to expect your new sweetheart to put to shame! On the flipside, however, you also bring another form of baggage: the hurt.

I tried to explain to a female friend of mine that it takes men a long time to trust. A good blowjob will make a man utter those three words: I love you. But, it takes a lot more for a man to give a woman the account numbers and passwords. When a man does, he expects that trust to never be betrayed. When it happens, it makes it that much harder to trust the next woman. Women tend to fall hard and fast. They dole out trust, most of the time, like it was a slice of pie. Leading with their hearts in damn near all affairs, they leave themselves open for all kinds of pain.

But...we don't do that sort of thing. Right?

Whenever you have an argument with your girlfriend (significant other), do you find yourself thinking about past arguments with past girlfriends? Do you find yourself experiencing déjà vu? And while you're reminiscing, are you getting even more upset because you thought the new girl was so very different from the old girl?

Are we there yet? Yes...this is the baggage!

You could extend this notion of baggage to the ever-so-evil practice of comparing your new to your old. We all try not to do it, but it's in a man's nature to believe that he has traded up with every new love. When we are faced with a taste of the old, however, we start second guessing shit. We start asking, "why am I here?" One has to believe that this baggage colors the relationship in a way that could be detrimental.

So, how do you avoid this situation? We want solutions damn it...not problems!

I really don't know. This is why I'm opening this up for discussion. How do we move beyond the bad memories of past loves? How do we move beyond our past baggage that we typically don't deal with? I've screwed up plenty relationships not dealing with my past demons. I'm getting better though (insert a smile). amongst yourselves!!!

Monday, October 6, 2008

What do you notice first about a woman? What things do women do that turn you on?

Tough question, it depends what I am looking at and how I am looking at her. Hell, if I just see her from the back then I want to know if she got a nice caboose. If I can can see the whole package (she walks towards me and then walks away) then I get to take it all in and let my mind wander off.

My first adjunct job at a Community College, I worked with a fellow professor who was an African-American woman who taught Microbiology. She walked with a switch...drove me NUTS!!! I mean she was stacked but she walked as if shes wanted to get noticed! (or wanted you to look) Lets just say this...I looked!!! But wouldn't you know it...she was ENGAGED!!!

Remember back in the day when the girls wore Sergio Valente jeans? You knew the a*s was fat when the V's on the back jean pockets were stretched so far that they almost were horizontal!!! That's the kind of stuff I notice and what I miss. Applebottoms have that effect but damn, I see some chicks wearing those and the apple looks like a cherry! So sad, it is if you are being punished for a past transgression! Oh, I'm sorry...I got a bit distracted...Uniqpoet?

Friday, October 3, 2008

Not your Father's R&B, What do you like to groove to?

The Professor Says --

R&B sucks!!! There I said it! Usher is causing controversy with his new video and honestly I can't tell the difference between Chris Brown, Ne-Yo and who the f*ck ever else passes themselves off as male R&B artists these days. I may be showing my age because I don't know any of these guys, don't listen to them and hope they all get an STD! Do these guys make music that you could create that playlist where you can get your groove on to with your woman? I say no, in fact I so badly want a revival of the music of the past, you know your dad's R&B and that is some of the R&B I remember. I have 542 R&B songs on my iPod right now and alot of that is old school (and steadily growing!). Who do I like and who would be necessary for "Business Time" (ah know what I am talkin about)?

Artists I like

The O'Jays (I think I was an O'Jay in a previous life...I'll tell that story some other time)

The Whispers: Was given a tip that their Greatest Hits Album is 5 star for Business Time

David Sanborn: Not R&B I know, but his album "Pearls" is NOT for anyone under 21. I recommend it highly as "Baby Making Music"

R. Kelly: You kind of knew he might get thrown in. Two words... 12 Play. That's it, the rest of the story goes to my grave...

Roberta Flack: Hell, I saw her in concert with my ex! You know how that story ended...that was a great night!

The Isley Brothers: Voyage to Atlantis. Let me repeat myself...VOYAGE TO ATLANTIS!!!

I could go on for a minute, but you get the idea. The majority of these artists have a few things in common

1. Longevity

2. Classic Music

3. Love of music and skill of the lyric

Can we apply these elements to Usher, Chris Brown, Ne-Yo et al? I say no but what do you think?

Uniqpoet Says --

Ahh, the ever-present argument about R&B and what's good or not. I try to put myself in the moment and ask, "would I fuck with this if I were 18 years old?" The answer is probably. Now, it's hard for me to truly believe that because I had a mother who listened to Stevie Wonder, cousins that listened to George Duke and Parliament, and let's not forget about Earth, Wind & Fire. So, the question is this: if I were 18, would I still have some of those musical influences on my taste? Probably not.


Reality. I'm a child of the 70's. My influences by way of family, friends, and the radio (back when it was good) included Phyllis Hyman, Anita Baker, Luther Vandross, Earth, Wind & Fire, The O'Jays, George Duke, Parliament, Chaka Khan & Rufus and a bunch of other folks. I know what a LOVE song sounds like. I know what baby-making music sounds like. Having said that, I'm not going to let my music snobbery completely diss any and all of today's music.


There's simply no replacement for Phyllis Hyman or Sade. There will never be another LTD or EWF or Parliament. First of all, the whole idea of a GROUP seems to be lost. Like Woody said, there's a Chris Brown and a Ne-Yo and an Usher. There's a Beyoncé, Alicia Keys, and Mary J. Blige. Yet, I don't know about timeless performers. I like Alicia and was encouraged when she first came out. Now...I just don't know. Beyoncé might be able to blow, but I'm not truly feeling her either. Let's put it out there right now.

There are simply no OLDER R&B artists!!!

If you're not twenty-something and video-worthy, then you're not going to be successful. Jennifer Hudson is doing her thing but they'll find a way to slim her down, glam her up instead of letting her voice do all the talking.

I agree with the Professor on his 3 points. These kids are writing their own material but it's just HORRIBLE. Beautiful lyrics...are they no more?

Awwwww, fuck it! I could go on and on!! This is just the FIRST installment. More to come!!!
